is an online directory that is newly created. At the moment we accept free submission. So feel free to submit your site.
Monday, December 11, 2006
Monday, November 13, 2006
List of Social Bookmarking Site
This summary is not available. Please click here to view the post.
Posted by
Cool Publisher
3:52 AM
Sunday, October 29, 2006
Don't try these on your web site
URL that uses following symbols is considered as dynamic URL.
?, &, %, +,=, $, cgi-bin, .cgi
If a site uses dynamic URL, it is very hard (almost impossible) for that site to get listed in the search engines.
Avoid Using Frames
Basically, framed pages are multiple HTML pages. That is why, it is not possible to submit that page to search engine. Therefore, indexing is major problem.
Just like me search engines don’t like frames. Because, when it comes to indexing framed pages, they have great difficulties. In most cases, they don’t index the page. If your site relies on search engine traffic, then you must redesign your page without frames.
Use Flash Wisely
If your page is designed completely with Flash, then it will have very less chance to get indexed. Because search engines can’t read Flash content, therefore can’t index flash pages. Of course that doesn’t mean completely abandon Flash. You can integrate Flash to your content. But if you are using Flash element such as navigation buttons, then you must include html links (sitemap) in your pages for search engines to follow. Also, if you are not relying on search engine traffic, then you can carry on using it whichever way you like.
Thing twice about Image Maps
Same as Flash, image maps are also trouble for search engine spiders. Image maps are mostly used for navigation. If they are used within a page an HTML alternative should also be included in the page.
JavaScript Navigation is also bad
Same as image maps, site that uses JavaScript navigation must also include an HTML alternative within the page. Search engines also can’t read JavaScript and therefore the page that relies on it won’t get indexed.
Posted by
Cool Publisher
10:49 PM
Sunday, October 22, 2006
Get accepted by the directories
1) Use top level domains. E.g. ( NOT OR
2) Short and brief title. Choose a title that describes your site in brief. Don't use words like best, cool, hottest, top, largest, your only source and other such terms. Also don't start your title with, The, A, An, or similar.
3) Use capitals in correct places. In your title only capitalize, first letter of the first word and all main words. Don't use capital letters for words and, the, or, for, etc.
4) Write brief and clear description. Usually descriptions that are too short and too long means rejection from directories. Use around 150 to 250 characters to write your description. The rules apply to your title also apply to your description.
5) Don't start your description with phrases like "this web site" or "this blog". The readers already know it is a web site or blog. Also, don't include the site title in your description.
6) Don't include price, special offers or any similar sort of information in your title or description. Also don't use marketing slogans.
7) Avoid using free email accounts such as AOL, yahoo, hotmail, and msn. People usually use these free emails for spam listings. So, many major directories will not accept you if you use free email accounts.
8) Finally, have content in your site. Just don't submit a site, where it has only affiliate links.
After following those rules, here are free directories for you to submit your site.
Techonorati Tags: free+directories directory+guidelines
Posted by
Cool Publisher
11:04 AM
Thursday, October 19, 2006
Things to avoid, when exchanging links
Here are few of things you should avoid:
Don’t exchange links with anyone
When you exchange links with others, only choose the ones that are related to topics and content within your site. Try to evaluate the site that you want to exchange link with. Be picky, and don’t rush. Analyse the site; try to understand, how serious is the other site owner with his/her site. Follow the steps that I mentioned in my previous post.
Avoid Link Farms and Link Exchange Sites
Link farms and link exchange networks allow you to exchange links constantly, for the purpose of getting high rankings in the search engines. However, these kinds of services will only damage your position, as most of the major search engines perceive this as Spam.
Don’t post just links to forums and groups
Having your site, as your signature in forums would help you to gain back links and traffic. But, some take this method to extreme and just post their links as a tread. However, you should know that, as well as loosing your membership with that forum, your site would also be reported for spamming.
Tags: link+exchange cons
Posted by
Cool Publisher
8:19 PM
Tuesday, October 17, 2006
Link Exchange Strategies
Identify Similar Sites
One of the first things I do is to identify similar sites to exchange links. You all probably know that exchanging links with similar sites or with site that has additional content to your web site help you more. Also I make sure, the site is not ranked by Google.
Study the Site
After identifying the sites, I start investigating (do some detective work). I read the content, and decide that if it worth exchanging links with.
Check the potentials of the site
After, reading the content and liked what I read, I start checking the potentials of that site. I try to find, if the site owner works as hard as me on his/her site. For this purpose, I use various tools to help me. First tool I use is Alexa for checking traffic rankings. This tool also helps me to find, which web sites link to the one that I want to exchange links with.
The second tool I use is a link popularity tool. With this tool I can find out, number of sites that links to the one that I want to exchange links.
The third thing I do is to check if the major search engines index the site. For this, all I need to do is type in the search engine, and this would give me the pages that are indexed.
Write a polite letter
After, I finish my homework and find that the site worth to exchange links, I write a polite letter to the site owner. You can find lots of templates to write link exchange request letters in google.
So that is it. Basically, instead of asking to sites that are already ranked high and also receive lots of traffic, ask the ones that are in the same position as your site is. If they accept, and all their hard work pays off, you will have a link in a site that has good page rank and good traffic. In my next post, I will explain, things to avoid when it comes to link exchange.
Good Luck.
Posted by
Cool Publisher
12:49 PM
Sunday, October 15, 2006
Things to avoid, when using keywords
However, some may thing that by using keywords a lot in a website would help you to gain higher positions in the listings. With this in mind, they excessively use keywords or choose other techniques to trick search engine robots. Here are the few of these techniques that you should avoid:
Hiding keywords:
You can hide keywords in your content by changing the color of the keyword text to same color as the background. However, as robots can read the color codes they can understand that you are trying to hide keyword. By doing so, search engine will stop indexing your pages and drop your existing indexed pages from their list.
Using the keywords excessively in the content and the Meta tags:
In my previous post, I mention that the relevance of keyword Meta tag is not as important as before. By dumping too many keywords in the Meta tag, and by repeating the keywords every one or two sentences of your content, will only get you banned. Only include your few (2 or 3) main keywords.
Putting keywords in Meta tags that has no relation with the content:
This technique is used for a website to appear in a search result that has no information associated with the search term. Usually this technique is used together with hiding keywords. The owner of the site places keywords, which are usually popular search terms, in Meta tags. Then, uses these keyword in the content by hiding it.
You should always avoid above actions to gain higher positions. These actions will only get you banned and it will cost dearly. Only include them, where it adds a meaning to your content. In other words use your keywords wisely. Also, you should read this post on effective use of keywords in your website.
Posted by
Cool Publisher
6:28 PM
Friday, October 13, 2006
Wrapping Text Around Adsense
I know this is off topic and nothing to do with seo or website traffic. But lately I keep getting lots of emails asking me about how did I place adsense code in my posts. So I decided to write a quick post expleining wrapping the text around adsense. Before I start you need to know that I use original Blogger. So the settings might be different with Beta version.
First thing you need to change Enable float alignment to No from dropdown box. You can locate it at Blogger control panel, Settings > Formatting. The Enable float alignment is second from the bottom.
After that is done, go to your Template section. In the Template locate the code saying Begin .post. This is where your post starts. Just find the code that looks like this div class="post-body". It is the 8th line after begin post section.
Right after div tag, insert table and the adsense code inside that table. This is how the code should look like (I can't add full html code here, because Blogger doesn't allow me. Assume these signs <> around table, div, etc.):
div class="post-body" div
table align="right"
td align="left" Your AdSense Code/td
Posted by
Cool Publisher
5:13 PM
Sunday, October 08, 2006
How to use Keywords on your Website
The good use of keywords relies on, how well you distribute them on your page. Here are list of locations, where it is most ideal to place your keywords:
Title Tags: Title tag is one of the most important elements for search engines. Good optimized sites may not get good amount of traffic, which they deserve, from the search engines, because of bad titles. Always include 2 or 3 main keywords in the title tag. Use between 50 or 80 characters to write your titles.
Description Meta Tags: They summarise, what your page is about. You should include your main keywords within the description. Also don't forget to include the keywords that you used for the title.
Keyword Meta Tag: Some may argue that keyword tags are no longer relevant for search engine positioning. However, I see no harm by using 1 or 2 keywords in the meta tag. But don't inflate your keyword tags by adding tens of them. Only include one or two main ones.
Heading (h1,h2) tags: Always include keywords in your headings. But you should always remember that headings should make sense with the content below. If you provide content that does not make sense with the heading, robots will ignore the content as the humans.
Anchor Links: Robots love links, and they follow the links to travel within you website. So you should put keywords in your anchor links. As similar to headings, anchor links should make sense to page they direct the robots and humans.
Alt Text: One picture is equal to 1000 words. But that is not the case with search engine robots. Robots can't read images, therefore they won't understand what the image represents. You should make your images robot friendly, and always include alt text with them. You can also use your keywords within the alt text.
Footer: The footer of each page in a website should include one or two important keywords. For example your company name.
External Links: If you planning to link your pages from another website, always remember to include you main keywords in the link. If you linking by using images, always include alt text.
Your website should evolve around your keywords. The good use of keywords is not about quantity, it is about well distribution. Excessive use of keywords can perceived as spam by search engine robots. If that is the case, you are most likely to get banned by search engines. I will explain more in my next post about the wrong use of keywords.
Posted by
Cool Publisher
11:40 PM
Saturday, October 07, 2006
Free Directories
Getting Free Web Site Traffic
SEO Tools
Pay Per Click Advertisement
Pay Per Click Websites
Keyword Selection Tools
Bidding for Right Keywords
Increase Web Site Traffic Today
Returning Visitors
Search Engines or Directories
Promoting with RSS
RSS Sitemap Tool
Writting Articles
Social Bookmarking
AdWord Vouchers
Importance of Sitemaps
Sitemap for Bloggers
Posted by
Cool Publisher
1:18 PM
Sitemap for Bloggers
It has always been the question to implement a site map to a Blogger account. Blogger gives you limited control over modifying your code, if it is not hosted privately. So that makes it difficult to implement certain features for your blog. One of the most important feature that you might want to implement is sitemaps. As I discussed the importance of sitemaps in my previous post, it is a must have feature on any weblog and web site.
Sitemap is a word that attracts search engine robots to your various pages. It is basically a map that direct robots around your web site. So how can you implement one to your Blogger account? The answer is simple. As all your posts are converted to a web page on their own, all you need to do, is write a post that has link to all your postings URL (Here is an example). Name this post as sitemap. And place it somewhere in your blog. I suggest top position in your template (see the sitemap on the right, under profile). As this would also allows your visitors to see all your topics. Update your sitemap as you include new posts in your blog.
As you enter new posts
Posted by
Cool Publisher
12:58 PM
Thursday, October 05, 2006
Importance of the sitemaps
Posted by
Cool Publisher
7:51 PM
Tuesday, October 03, 2006
Here is another oppurtunity to get free visitors
I just found this blog on the web that offers free £10 AdWord traffic. To get your £10 traffic you need to sign up for a free trial offer and send your details with the email. It took around 4 hours to start receiving traffic. So if you want to try this offer here is the link:
Posted by
Cool Publisher
6:31 PM
Getting Free Traffic by Social Bookmarking
So how does social bookmarking helps?
Social bookmarking use tagging method that allows you to categorise your favourite links. Basically tagging is keyword that describes the resource. It is entirely up to you to share this information with others. If you share your bookmarks, people, who have similar interests, can view them.
How to use social bookmarking services?
There are a lot of free social bookmarking services available over the web (see the bottom of the post for the list). Most of them allow you to share your bookmarks with others that use the same service. People, can search bookmarks by using the tags. So if your bookmarks are made public, they can appear in the search results. Also your web site can display graphical elements that allow others to bookmark easily. The list of most visited or bookmarked pages appear in the first page of most of the bookmarking web sites. This would give your web site very good exposure.
Things to avoid in social bookmarking
Some site owners use tags that are not relevant with their bookmarks just because of the popularity of the tags. This is done to get more visitors. However, as people realise the site is not described correctly, they will leave your site and might even block your username.
Posted by
Cool Publisher
1:30 PM
Wednesday, September 27, 2006
Writing Articles for Links and Traffic
Article directories are becoming more popular on the web. They provide great benefits such as to promote your site to online communities, who have potential to be interested with your web site's content and services. Article directories publish articles that are written by almost anybody. They serve as a free promotion tool for your web site or blog. Here are the few benefits of using article directories:
- Potential for wide range distribution (Backlinks): So, how article directories can help you to promote your site all over the web? Before answering this question, you need to know that, when you publish your article, you are agreeing for that article to be distributed. That means, people, who like your article can use it as a content in their web site or blog. But as part of the agreement, they need to credit the author or the directory by providing a link. Also if the article contains any link, these links has to be active in the publishers' web site. Depending on the quality of your article, it may be published on many web sites or blogs.
- Targeted visitors: Article directories, place your article in a specific categories. So, people, who read your article, are potential visitors to your site. For them to visit your site is entirely depending on the quality of the article. If they like it, they will come and visit your site for more.
- Increase Selling Power: When a visitor access to your site via article directories, this means that they liked your article and interested with your products or services.
As anybody can publish article, that does not mean every article that is published will be distributed over the web. The secret to a good article is writing good and unique content that is free from spelling and grammar mistakes. Always take your time when you are writing articles. Get someone else to proof read. After, you finish your article here are some directories for you to publish your article. Good Luck.
Posted by
Cool Publisher
10:17 PM
Sunday, September 24, 2006
Generating Your Own RSS Sitemap
In my previous post, I provided some basic information about RSS and sitemaps. I talked about the benefits to have RSS feeds so the visitors can easily subscribe to those feeds to get instant updates about your site. Having a sitemap can help search engines a lot to understand the content and the structure of you website.
RSS feeds are written in XML, so if the user does not have the knowledge of the XML, it can be a challenging task to create RSS feeds. Here is a tool that will generate a RSS sitemap automatically for you. Simply put your URL and press the Generate Sitemap button. It will create the XML code for your site. So that simple.
ROR Sitemap Generator
I hope this helped you. This blog updates regularly. So if you want to keep up, you can link to us or subscribe to our RSS feed (black button bellow).
Posted by
Cool Publisher
1:04 AM
Sunday, September 17, 2006
Promote Your Site With RSS
How RSS Works?
To be able to use the advantages of the RSS, your web site has to have it's own RSS Feed. The RSS feed of a web site looks like Most of the blogs come with this URL. If you check the link above, you will see the content is written in XML. So, to be able to read this content you need a RSS reader. Simply, you put you feed in the reader, and reader makes the page readable by humans.
As long as you have your web site's RSS feed, you can submit this feed to many web sites. Also you can create and place buttons on your site to make the subscription for your content easier for your visitors. So if your visitors like the content, they can easily subscribe and get notified with the fresh content.
Useful Links and more information about RSS:
More RSS information
Explains more about how RSS works
RSS Readers
RSS Submission
Posted by
Cool Publisher
8:58 PM
Friday, September 15, 2006
SEO Tips - Submit to Search Engines or Directories
Directories will help your site to get indexed in the search engines more quickly. This is because search engine follow the links. So if a site is already indexed in the search engines, and if you have a link in that site, it is likely for the search engines crawlers to follow this link to your site.
I will give you an example. When I first started this blog, I only submitted to Google and Yahoo. However, I submitted over 200 directories. After a while, I saw visitors coming from MSN and AltaVista. So this showed me that the directories, where I submitted my links, were already indexed by MSN and AltaVista. So they automatically picked my site and indexed it.
Submission to online directories will also help your PR (PageRank) as it creates a back link to your site. Also search engines follow these links within these directories to find your web site and index your site much quicker. There are a lot of free directories available to submit your site.
I should also mention submission methods. I personally prefer manual submissions by hand. But if you want to choose auto submitters, I can recommend WEBCEO. It is a software that have a lot of useful functionalities to optimize your web site.
You can still go ahead and submit to search engines. But don't border to go further than major ones. Instead spend more time in submitting to directories as it will help your site to get indexed more quickly.
Posted by
Cool Publisher
11:01 PM
Tuesday, September 12, 2006
Web Site Traffic - Keep Visitors coming Back To Your Site
Visitors will only return to your site;
- if they like the content - If your content is good, visitors will come back and check your site again. Therefore, you need to think about your targeted visitors, when you create the content.
- if the content updated regularly - Think your web site as a TV drama. If you like it, you carry on watching it. But, if they play the same part over and over again, you will probably change the channel and watch something else. So, why should your visitors come back to your site, if it not updated regularly?
- if your site is easy to navigate - Make sure your visitors find what they looking for. If they get lost within your pages, they will leave your site without looking to their back. So, Provide search functionalities and sitemaps. Always let them know where they are in your web site.
- if your content is original - Well you are probably asking yourself, "How can I produce a unique content, if there are a lot of web sites have similar information". Answer to this is spend time on research and produce your own version.
- if you send regular newsletters - To be able to send newsletters, you need to collect your visitors email addresses. This is not an easy and quick process. But, the ones who subscribe to your newsletter are the ones, who are interested with your content.
- if you have RSS feed - RSS is a format for syndicating content. If you provide the options like the ones on the top right corner of this blog (My Yahoo, Add to Google, etc.), visitors can easily subscribe to RSS feeds of your site. They will be notified, whenever you update your site.
- if your site is maintained for good performance - Always check if your web site loads properly. If your web site does not function the way it suppose to, visitors will not return.
- if your site name is easy to remember - Choose names that are easy to remember. Also try to use catchy names, so it can stick on the visitors mind.
Posted by
Cool Publisher
8:47 PM
Sunday, September 10, 2006
Web Site Traffic - How to increase web site traffic today
- Blogger Forum, Has section that allows you to show your blog to others.
- Geeks On Steroids, Forum about search engines, SEO, and more. Also have section to exchange links with other members.
- Web Master Talk, has section for web site reviews and link exchanges.
- Site Point, discusses search engines, SEO, and many other useful topics.
- SEO Forum, Link exchange, Internet marketing, and directories.
- SEO Chat Forum, search engine optimization specific topics.
-, search engine positioning, seo, web site review.
- Google Community, more about google products and services. But good forum.
- Dev Shed, more about programming, but have section, where you can discuss about anything.
- Dev Articles, similar to dev shed.
- Digital Point, have section to sell or buy trades. Also provides link exchanges.
So it is enough for today. You feel free to go and register to above forums. As I mentioned above, you won't get a lot of visitors, however, you should always be after quality traffic. Always avoid manual traffic exchange or auto surf programs.
Posted by
Cool Publisher
5:54 PM
Saturday, September 02, 2006
Daily SEO Tips - Bidding for the Right Keyword
Posted by
Cool Publisher
7:51 PM
Friday, September 01, 2006
Daily SEO Tips - Keyword Selection Tools
You can use keyword selection tools that helps you to analyze and find most appropriate keywords for your site. These tools gets statistics from major search engines, and provides information like, how many times that specific keyword is used on search engines to find something. Also it suggest similar keywords to be used on your site. There are a number of useful keyword research tools available on the web. The most recommended and user-friendly are Wordtracker and Keyword Discovery. Both offer trial versions, but if you can try to get the full versions as it give more analytical information.
Posted by
Cool Publisher
10:29 PM
Monday, August 28, 2006
Pay Per Click Programs - Pay Per Click Ads Part 2
Getting visitors from search engines is hard and time consuming task. Along with other tasks, you need to optimize your site properly for search engines to give you high rankings. However, Pay Per Click advertisement makes it more easier for getting targetted visitors from search engines.
There are a lot of Pay Per Click sites that offer targetted traffic. I am not an expert to say which one is good and which one is bad, however, I can recommend the ones I use for my campaigns. I am actually happy with the traffic I get from these sites. So if you want you can give them a try.
Google AdWord: Your site will be displayed in google sponsered ads. They will come up in the results, according to keywords you chose for your campaign. It can actually help you to target new visitors on google network. If you want to sign up for AdWord, just follow the link on the side bar.
Here are the few others I use:
List your site with Yahoo! Sponsored Search and your business could be at the top of search results on Yahoo! or Alta Vista.
Want additional Search traffic at a fraction of the cost? Try Search123.
Get your site listed on
Searching for customers? Look no further. Advertise with MIVA and drive targeted, high-quality traffic to your website
Submit Your Website to Over 3000 Search Engines - Click Here Now
Posted by
Cool Publisher
6:46 PM
Web Site Promotion - Pay Per Click Ads Part 1
If you have some money to spend, there are various options for web site promotion that drew traffic to your site. Probably, one of the most popular way to promote your site is Pay Per Click (PPC) advertising. PPC allows you to choose keywords that you want your site to appear, when search is performed. When your ad is clicked, you pay for that click. Pay Per Click (PPC) programs allows you to set a price for each click. You can actually set up a daily budget to control the exposure of your ads. Basicaly, more money you spend, more exposure you get.
Posted by
Cool Publisher
12:28 AM
Friday, August 25, 2006
Search Engine Optimization Tools
To get a lot of traffic from search engines, you need to configure your page according to search engines likings. This means you need to optimize your website for search engines. Some of the best practices for search engine optimization are selecting right title, keywords, and description for your site. Here are the tools for search engine optimization that you can use freely. You can also use Keyword Selector Tool to choose the right keywords for your site. Keyword selector tool shows you the amount of searches have been conducted on the keyword and also shows you some suggestions on that keyword.
Posted by
Cool Publisher
10:53 PM
Tuesday, August 22, 2006
Getting free web site traffic - Web site promotion
There are various ways to get free web site traffic. Although, autosurf programs are easier and faster way to do it, they do not send targeted visitors to your site. In this post I will explain free resources to get free web site traffic.
Web Directory Submission
Submitting your site to a directory is one of the easiest way to get free web site traffic. Free directory submission may not get you a lot of traffic but it will certainly increase your rank in search engines. For free directories search "directory" in Here are the some free submission directories that I found for you. One thing you have to keep in mind is, when you are submitting your site to a directory, make sure to choose the category that suits best to your site. Just submitting to any category does not send you targeted visitors.
Search Engine Submission
There are many websites offers free search engine submisson. However, I prefer submitting my site to search engines manually. You can do this free at yahoo, google, jayde, and alexa. If you want to use search engine submisson services then I strongly recommend WEB CEO. Web CEO comes free and provides great functionalities such as URL submission to more than 200 search engines, link exchange, keyword analyses and many more.
Link Exchange
Link exchange is another way to get free web site traffic. However, you need to be selective, when it comes to choose the sites for link exchange. If you exchange links with similar sites to yours, that would help your page ranking. Also try to put your links in high ranking websites as it also helps your search engine ranking. Just be nice to the webmaster and ask for link exchange. In most cases they will say no but don't give up. (If you be nice I can exchange link with you as well).
Emails ( NOT SPAM )
One of the best ways to get free web site traffic is emails. Just let your friends know about your website. Use your website URL as your signature in all your mails. Also you can ask your friends to do the same for you. Every ones a while send newsletters to your friends about your website and ask them to forward this to their contacts. You will be surprised how much traffic you will get from this. Also I have to mention this DO NOT SPAM.
Forums and Groups
There are lots of discussion forums and groups available that discuss about various topics. You can become members to these forums. Post regular comments to these forum by using your URL as your signature. Just don't send your URL as it will look really unprofessional and you will end up excluded. Talk about whatever the group or forum is about. BECOME A REGULAR.
Create blogs that links to your website. You can easily set up a blog for free. Google, yahoo, msn are provides free blog hosting services.
Posted by
Cool Publisher
10:57 AM
Monday, August 21, 2006
Free Directories pr8 pr7 pr7 pr7 pr6 PR6 PR6 pr6 pr6 pr6 pr6 PR6 PR6 PR6 PR6 pr5 p5 pr5 pr5 pr5 pr5 pr5 pr5 pr5 P5 pr5 pr5 pr5 pr5 pr5 pr5 pr5 pr5 pr5 pr5 pr5 pr5 pr5 pr5 pr5 pr5 pr5 pr5 pr5 pr5 pr5 pr5 pr4 pr4 pr4 pr4 pr4 pr4 pr4 pr4 pr4 pr4 pr4 pr4 pr4 pr4 pr4 pr4 pr4 pr4 pr4 pr4 pr4 pr4 pr4 PR4 PR4 PR4 PR4 PR4 PR4 pr4 pr4 pr4 pr4 pr4 pr4 pr4 pr4 pr4 pr4 pr4 pr4 pr4 pr4 pr4 pr4 pr4 pr4 pr4 pr4 pr4 pr4 pr4 pr4 pr4 pr4 pr4 pr4
Posted by
Cool Publisher
4:11 PM