Tuesday, March 27, 2007

Another Free Web Directory

I launched a new web directory that accepts free submission. You can submit your site to appropriate category. Pleas don't submit to root of the directory as they will be deleted instantly. Also, no deep links are allowed.

Monday, March 19, 2007

My Blog Worth $8468.10

I was playing around with this technorati tool and found that my blog worth 1000s, lol :) I wish. I don't think it shows a real value or anything, but it would definitely keep up your spirit. So if you are feeling down and want to know how much your blog worth here is the link: http://www.business-opportunities.biz/projects/how-much-is-your-blog-worth/

Sunday, March 18, 2007

How to lose a visitor in 8 ways

  1. Animation Overload: Using animations excessively on web sites would put your visitors off. Beware of blinking text and images. Only use animations where it would add a value to your content.
  2. Color combinations: Don't just use the colors because they are your favourites. Choose right color combinations for your text and background. For instance blue over red background makes it difficult to read. Go for the colors that are easy on the eyes. Choose web safe colors.
  3. Lack of Maintenance: Make sure all your links are working properly. Also, make sure your site loads correctly. Here is a free tool to check dead links on your site.
  4. Built for one Browser: You have to keep this in mind that there are other browsers as well as Internet Explorer and they are also used wisely. Your site may not render as the same way it appears in your own browser. So make sure to test your site on different browsers and different machines.
  5. Using Tables Excessively: Tables may not render same way in the old browsers. And some browser may not support tables. So try using table wisely.
  6. Using Images as Bacground: When you using images as your background, make sure it doesn't distarct your visitors to read your content.
  7. Pop-up, Pop-unders: Don't give your visitors something they don't expect. In most cases, users will press the back button or close button of the browser as the pop-up and pop-unders appear. Try to avoid using them.
  8. Excessive Advertisement: Always label your advertisements as sponsored links, advertisement, or anything similar. Don't expect your visitors to find your main content between advertisement. Because they won't. Dedicate a space in your site for advertisement and label it clearly.

Friday, March 09, 2007

Online communities for free web site traffic

Here are the few online communities that helps me get some traffic to this blog. Although i don't use Myspace, it is known as one of the biggest social network to built communities. But here are couple that use regularly, also helps:
MyLot: As well as building communities, it also pays you to post questions and to answer others' questions. You won't get rich, but you can make enough to pay your Internet connection or any other small house hold bills.
MyBlogLog: Share views with other blog owners. You can join to many blog communities and built network of friends. It also has some cool widgets such as Recent Reader (shows, who is reading your blog), Top Links (shows top referrer to your site), and Stats Tracking (shows stats and links clicked on your site).

Tuesday, March 06, 2007

Widgets for Your Blog

Widgets helps you to add various functionalities to your web site and blogs. These functionalities include subscription via RSS or subscription via email. Here are some useful ones:

Feed Burner: It allows you place widgets on your blog, which helps your users to subscribe your posts. Visitor can choose various RSS readers to subscribe.

TypePad Widgets: You can find many useful widgets to add on your blog. They even provide widgets directories. Basicly, it provides almost everything that is available.